Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Outdoors

I'm trying to make my kids love nature as much as possible. They're already showing signs of being outdoorish (banging on doors whenever we went out  as if telling us they want to be released from the house), and their extra happy face when they're let loose free range in the park on on the road.

I took them to the parks at an early age (as early as 2 months old), but the danger with Malaysian parks is that there might be a lot of mosquitoes, so it is not perfectly best for babies.

But they are such typical boys, they appreciate the outdoors much better and it's my hope that they stay that way as much as they can to help them stay active and healthy. Nature is the best teacher anyway. 

Here's pics of hubs taking the babies for a night run.. 

Baby Photoshoots

I'm extremely sentimental.

Due to that, I take photo-taking my babies quite seriously. These shots were taken during their first Raya celebration (in Ramadhan, just before raya) at our favourite photographer's studio. It wasn't easy at all to capture their "moments", it took a few hours of whining, crying, not wanting to cooperate but eventually it's a wrap and everyone went home happy.

My babies school needed me to send them pics of the babies crawling for their open day.. so I browsed through my hard disk and found these shots :)

The photoshoot was all worth it now that I'm looking at these pics and got all sentimental ;P

Friday, June 13, 2014

Kids area, IKEA

Last night hubs and I took our bosses out for a quick drive and a pit stop at IKEA. 

We left the nannies at home for them to relax a bit. Thank God IKEA was having a kids play area set up.. Perfect for my minions to run around and make themselves busy. 

IKEA definitely has brought a lot of fun in our kids life, hasn't it? Imagine Malaysia without it!

My Identical Twin & My Fraternal Twins

That's my twin and me. MY twin I mean, not my TWINS. Hahahahaha.

We were born two minutes apart, by Caesarean Section. We are identical twins, but there are significant differences in our features.

Now that's MY twins. My boys, I mean.

They were born one minute apart, by Caesarean Section too. They are fraternal twins. Yes, they look different entirely!

Baby bags, diaper bags .. and my obsession with Skip Hop

 The Skip Hop Dash which I almost bought. About USD60 if I'm not mistaken.

 The Skip Hop Signature Duo - almost bought this too, except that shipping from the US is too pricey. Oh well. About USD 58 for this I think.

What I finally bought at The Baby Loft, Publika. The Skip Hop Duo, Jonathan Adler edition. About RM200.


I don't think I have ever met anyone with an obsession such as mine. Oh well.
Diaper bags are soooo important to me ... it's a tiny matter for others, but it's a significant organizational method for me. It's a symbol that you take your babies essentials seriously.

And you can never go wrong with Skip Hop! It's washable, has a gazilllion pockets (most important criteria for me), and pretty funky too.

I have 3 Skip Hop bags so far, and am very satisfied with all of them.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My bosses

Riaz (in red) and Ariz (in blue).

Doing double

I'd never thought I'd compose a blog (a mommy blog especially) to write about my babies and my life around them... Until I tried searching for some cool Malaysian mommy blog and could not find any. My definition of a cool blog is definitely about tips on coping with baby and most importantly... baby products!

So here's to hoping that this blog would be the ONE to help new moms out there in figuring things out.

There's actually no right or wrong in bringing up baby. In my case, babies. However, there's a natural guideline on the do's and don'ts and the how-to's.... Which is pretty much interesting considering all babies need the same thing but we deliver differently ...!

I'm a first time mom, and miraculously, was given the opportunity to become a mother of twins, after being a twin myself. I don't think I have ever met someone like me... being a twin herslef and delivered twins and now raising them! It's a miracle, but it's true.

Well being a twin will not really prepare you enough to raise one. I needed to deal with the day to day task of being a new mom to newborns... and doing double. Thank God for helpers.

So as much as we believe that practise makes perfect, someone like me who has the utmost practice, would probably do everything at its best. Not quite. Raising babies takes more than just practise. It takes planning, organization and perseverance. And the ability to feel the joy in all this.

And for that, I thank my babies for giving me this opportunity.


My gifts from God.
Above all, I just want them to have a happy life.