Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Doing double

I'd never thought I'd compose a blog (a mommy blog especially) to write about my babies and my life around them... Until I tried searching for some cool Malaysian mommy blog and could not find any. My definition of a cool blog is definitely about tips on coping with baby and most importantly... baby products!

So here's to hoping that this blog would be the ONE to help new moms out there in figuring things out.

There's actually no right or wrong in bringing up baby. In my case, babies. However, there's a natural guideline on the do's and don'ts and the how-to's.... Which is pretty much interesting considering all babies need the same thing but we deliver differently ...!

I'm a first time mom, and miraculously, was given the opportunity to become a mother of twins, after being a twin myself. I don't think I have ever met someone like me... being a twin herslef and delivered twins and now raising them! It's a miracle, but it's true.

Well being a twin will not really prepare you enough to raise one. I needed to deal with the day to day task of being a new mom to newborns... and doing double. Thank God for helpers.

So as much as we believe that practise makes perfect, someone like me who has the utmost practice, would probably do everything at its best. Not quite. Raising babies takes more than just practise. It takes planning, organization and perseverance. And the ability to feel the joy in all this.

And for that, I thank my babies for giving me this opportunity.

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